Conjoint collaborative marital therapy: the effect of individual ego strengthening on outcome

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Indian Psychiatric Society
Background There are many techniques being followed in marital or couples therapy for the resolution of marital discord. In the particular module of Conjoint collaborative therapy where joint sessions with the couple run concurrently with individual sessions for each partner, an additional issue crops up which may influence the outcome independently of the marital therapy: resolution of individual psychopathology may have beneficial effects in strengthening the marriage, but may also have the opposite effect. Individual ego strengthening may disturb the homeostasis which has kept the dysfunctional marriage together. Objective: To study individual ego strengthening as a dynamic factor that influences the course and outcome of marital therapy. Discussion: It may be that many marriages which are held together because of the pressures from without rather than the desire from within may find the dynamics changed by therapy. If the individual sessions are going well, it may be that the benefits there may outpace those in the joint sessions or the progress in the relationship. Conclusion: With the resolution of individual crisis, one or both partners may no longer be willing to carry the relationship forward and a separation is the result. The individual may benefit from the ego strengthening, but it proves deleterious for the relationship. This paper explores the dynamics that may be involved in this event.
Conjoint Collaborative Marital Therapy, Couples Therapy, Ego Strengthening.
Srivastava Anurag. Conjoint collaborative marital therapy: the effect of individual ego strengthening on outcome. Andhra Pradesh Journal of Psychological Medicine. 2014 Jul-Dec; 15(2): 165-169