Acute Liver Failure and Intravascular Haemolysis in Zinc Phosphide Poisoning.

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Akshantala Enterprises Private Limited
A 37-year-old male presented with symptoms of nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, jaundice, lacrimation and reddish brown urine discoloration since 2 hours after ingestion of 30 gms of zinc phosphide with suicidal intent 4 hours before arriving at the hospital. There was no history of hematemesis, melena, convulsions. On examination blood pressure: 140/90 mmHg, Pulse: 120 beat per minute, RR: 24 cycles/minute, temperature: 37.5°C and O2 saturation: 91 percent in room air. Visible icterus was present. Diffuse tenderness was reviled by abdominal tests. Organomegaly was not present. The neurological examination was not important. There were flapping tremors. With 0.9 percentage of NaCl solution added with activated charcoal, the patient was given gastric lavage. Table 1 displays laboratory tests in the emergency department.
Andhale Amol, Acharya Sourya, Pratapa Sreekarthik, Shukla Samarth, Kadam Nakul. Acute Liver Failure and Intravascular Haemolysis in Zinc Phosphide Poisoning.. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences. 2020 Jun; 9(22): 1719-1721