A Comparative Study on Health Expenditure among Individuals with Diabetes and Hypertension in Rural Tamil Nadu
2019 Apr
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Akash Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre
Introduction: Recent data reveal the diabetic prevalence in adult population to be around 8.8% and prevalence of hypertension 25–29%. Out-of-pocket (OOP) expenditure on the treatment of chronic diseases continues to be the major impediment and a burden on the people. 78% of Indian population spend out of their pockets financing for health in India. Aim and Objectives: The aim of the study is to compare OOP expenditure of diabetes and hypertension. Materials and Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in the rural field practice area of tertiary medical college in Trichy district of India. Mean cumulative expenditures on diabetes hypertension in medications and investigations were compared. Results: Mean cumulative OOP expenditure was Indian rupee (INR) 1435/month (approximately INR 17,200 annually) for diabetes and INR 313 (approximately INR 3756 annually) for hypertension. Comparative cumulative OOP expenditure per month between the two groups was found to be highly significant (0.009). Conclusion and Recommendations: Out of Pocket Expenditure on diabetes treatment in the present setting was 4 times the treatment of hypertension. Policymakers should consider subsidizing the cost of diabetes expenditure.
Comparative, cumulative cost, out of pocket
Deodatt S, Elango S, Charumathi N, Dheekshana S, Cynthia S. A Comparative Study on Health Expenditure among Individuals with Diabetes and Hypertension in Rural Tamil Nadu. Annals of Community Health. 2019-04; 7(2): 2-4