Association of anticardiolipin antibodies levels with instent restenosis in patients with coronary artery disease.

Present study was conducted to evaluate the association of IgG anticardiolipin antibodies with instent restenosis in patients having undergone percutaneous intervention with bare metal or drug eluting stents. Coronary artery disease patients with stent placement at least 6 months prior were screened for eligibility. 26 satisfied the inclusion/exclusion criteria. 10 patients with symptoms of restenosis, confirmed on check angiography served as cases and 16 without symptoms of restenosis served as control. Unpaired t- test was applied to ascertain the significance of any difference between control and study groups. Antibody levels were estimated on ELISA reader. The mean (±SD) anticardiolipin antibodies levels in cases and controls were 11.8±5.1 GPL/U/ml and 14.3±10.2 GPL/U/ml, respectively. The difference was not statistically significant (P>0.05). In conclusion, we did not observe any significant correlation between the level of IgG aCL and instent restenosis.
instent restinosis, anticardiolepin antibody, coronary artery disease, patients
Sharma Sumali, Malhotra Anita, Sharma Y P, Pandhi P, Malhotra Samir, Nageswari K Sri, Shafiq Nusrat, Venkateshan S P, Kaur Ravnit. Association of anticardiolipin antibodies levels with instent restenosis in patients with coronary artery disease. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. 2008 Jul-Sept; 52(3): 288-292.