Comparative Study of Post-Operative Pain in Open (Lichtenstein) Repair Versus Laparoscopic Repair for Unilateral Inguinal Hernia.

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International Society for Contemporary Medical Research
Introduction: Inguinal hernia repair is the most commonprocedure that general surgeons undertake all over the world.The increasing popularity of laparoscopic inguinal herniarepair is, in part, due to the clinical potentials with lesspost operative pain and a shorter duration of convalescencecompared with an open hernia repair technique. The studyfocuses to compare the operative time, postoperative painalong with requirements of analgesics.Material and methods: The present study was conducted on60 patients admitted with diagnosis of inguinal hernia overthe period of one and half years (Jan 2014-June 2015) in theDepartment of General Surgery, MMIMSR, MULLANA(DISTT AMBALA), Haryana, India. These patients weredivided at random by lottery system in two groups of 30patients each i.e. Group A and Group B. Group A was treatedby Tension Free Hernia Repair by Lichtenstein technique.Group B was treated by Laparoscopic technique of herniarepair.Results: VAS score in the Lichtenstein inguinal hernia repairgroup ranged from 1 to 8 for which the mean was 3.80 ±1.86during the 1st 12 hours whereas VAS score in the laparoscopicrepair group ranged from 1 to 7 whose mean was 2.87±1.78.Analgesic tablet was given to the patients of both the grouppost-operative day 2 onwards as per requirement after 24hours of operation. The mean analgesic tablet consumed was5.27±1.72 in Lichtenstein open mesh repair and 3.53±1.93 inlaparoscopic repair which was statistically significant.Conclusion: Laparoscopic procedure showed clear advantagessuch as less postoperative and chronic pain, lower incidenceof use of pain medication.
Post-Operative Pain, Lichtenstein, Repair Versus Laparoscopic, Unilateral Inguinal Hernia
Dhawan Nitish, Thawait Anand, Goyal Kirti Savyasacchi, Goel Kritesh. Comparative Study of Post-Operative Pain in Open (Lichtenstein) Repair Versus Laparoscopic Repair for Unilateral Inguinal Hernia. . International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research . 2019 Oct; 6(10): j6-j9