A case of Lymphocytic Interstitial Pneumonia in a defaulter HIV-positive patient

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Society for Health Care & Research Development
Background:Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) is characterized by gradual, progressive and permanent decrease in the renal functions. Moreover, CRF adversely effects the functioning of the various other organs. Dyslipidemia is the characteristic of the CRF, moreover lipid profile disorder appear from the onset of the CRF. However, severity of disturbance depends on the stage of CRF. MDA one of the important marker of oxidative stress is the product of lipid peroxidation, which is produced by oxidation of poly unsaturated fatty acid. Increased oxidative stress leads to distruction of bio-molecules, protein, DNA and RNA of the cells. Methods: This was a cross sectional type of study conducted in the TMMC & RC, Moradabad (U.P.). Total sixty patients of CRF patients > 20 years were included in the study. Lipid profile which included serum concentration of total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG) and high density lipoprotein (HDL) were calculated enzymatic method CHOD-POD method, GPO-PAP method, CHOD-POD/ Phosphotungstate method respectively Results:There was a significant difference between the mean values of TC (< 0.001), TG (< 0.001), LDL (< 0.001), VLDL (< 0.001) of CRF patients and Control group III. MDA level was significantly high in group I and group II compare to group III. Further, the levels of MDA were significantly high in group I CRF patients on dialysis when compared to group II conservatively managed patients (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Findings of the present study showed that there is increased oxidative stress level as well elevated risk of CVD in CRF patients on dialysis. More of altered level of lipids induces atherosclerosis in CRF patients. Therefore, the present study suggest that management lipids and oxidative stress should be included during the treatment of CRF patients.
Gupta Vishwas, Nagvekar Vasant, Prabhudesai Pralhad, Rodge Gajanan. A case of Lymphocytic Interstitial Pneumonia in a defaulter HIV-positive patient. Annals of International medical and Dental Research. 2018 May; 4(3): 40-42