Is C-reactive protein level useful in differentiating infected from uninfected neonates among those at risk of infection?

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OBJECTIVE: To document effects of intrapartum risk factors for early onset sepsis (EOS) on CRP levels in neonates and to assess the suitability of this test in diagnosing EOS. DESIGN: Cohort study. SETTING: Labour and post natal wards in a tertiary level teaching hospital in India. SUBJECTS: 250 neonates at risk of developing infection. METHODS: CRP levels in cord blood and neonatal blood at 24 hrs were estimated using commercial kits. Babies were observed for signs of sepsis for at least 48 hours. RESULTS: Seven (2.8 Percent) neonates had elevated CRP levels in the cord blood. At 24 hours, 102 (40.8 Percent) babies had elevated levels. Elevated cord CRP levels was significantly associated with rupture of membranes for 24 hours (p =0.04), labour more than 12 hours (p = 0.002), and maternal fever (p = 0.01). At 24 hours, elevated CRP levels were associated with primiparity (p= 0.006), more than three vaginal examinations after membrane rupture (p=0.02), meconium staining of amniotic fluid (p =0.02) and amnioinfusion (p =0.02). Ten (4 Percent) babies developed EOS. The negative predictive value for elevated CRP levels at 24 h was 99 Percent. CONCLUSION: Several intrapartum risk factors for EOS can cause elevation in CRP levels. However, this test may be useful in excluding infection.
Mathai E, Christopher U, Mathai M, Jana AK, Rose D, Bergstrom S. Is C-reactive protein level useful in differentiating infected from uninfected neonates among those at risk of infection? Indian Pediatrics. 2004 Sep; 41(9): 895-900