Primary pulmonary leiomyosarcoma of lung: An unusual entity with brief review.

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Primary pulmonary leiomyosarcomas are rare and diagnostically challenging group of neoplasms approximately constituting 0.2-0.5% of all primary lung malignancies. They originate from the smooth muscle cells of the bronchial wall, blood vessels or from the pulmonary interstitium. Here we present a case of 45 year old male with history of chronic cough, breathlessness and chest pain for few months. Clinical and radiological workup showed a left upper lobe lung mass. Endobronchial ultrasound guided (EUS) needle biopsy of the mass on histopathology confi rmed leiomyosarcoma. Further through evaluation ruled out the possibility of metastasis. A fi nal diagnosis of primary leiomyosarcoma of lung was made and patient was planned for surgical management.
Leiomyosarcoma, primary, endobronchial ultrasound guided needle biopsy
Nath Devajit, Arava Sudheer, Joshi Prashant, Madan Karan, Mathur Sandeep. Primary pulmonary leiomyosarcoma of lung: An unusual entity with brief review. Indian Journal of Pathology & Microbiology. 2015 Jul-Sept 58(3): 338-340.