Snakebite: A Study on Clinical Presentation, Treatment and Public Awareness

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Ibn Sina Academy of Medieval Medicine & Sciences
Introduction: Since ancient times, snakes have beenworshipped, feared, or loathed in South Asia. It is surprisingthat, snake bite poisoning is seldom mentioned as a priority forhealth research in a developing country like India. Keeping inview the above facts present study is conducted amongpatients of snake bites in and around Rewa, public awarenessof first-aid measures and clinical profile of the snake bitepatients.Material and Methods: The present study was carried outamong 160 patients of snake bites poisonous andnonpoisonous, admitted in Serious Patient Ward in Departmentof Medicine over a period of 26 months. All the patients ofpoisonous bites were observed for complications and managedaccordingly. Outcome was noted in the form of whether patientsurvived or died due to snake bite.Results: Ghabrahat (96.77%) and local pain (51.61%) werethe chief presenting complaints and tenderness (32.25%),redness (17.74%) at the local site were the main local findings,in non-poisonous group. In the poisonous group difficulty inopening of eyes (83.33%), difficulty in swallowing (77.78%),and difficulty in speaking (66.67%) were the main presentingcomplaints. Signs of envenomation in decreasing order werebilateral ptosis. (91.6%), bulbar palsy (72.85%), generalizedparesis (55.56%), drowsiness (44.44%) and varying degree ofrespiratory paralysis (25%) the main local effects in poisonousgroup tenderness (44.44 %), bleeding (22.2 %), redness(33.3%), oedema (27.7%). Of the total 36 cases, 30 (83.33%)survived and 6 (16.67%) died due to complications.Conclusion: It can be concluded from the study that generalpublic needs to be educated about pattern of behaviour ofsnakes, care while moving in night specially in fields, not tosleep on floors, importance of first aid specially use oftourniquet and immobilization of bitten parts not to waste timein seeking remedies from Ojhas etc and above all shift theaffected person at the earliest to nearest medical centre wherespecific therapy for dealing with such victims is available. Allthese measures will go a long way in saving many ofunfortunate victims of snake bite.
Snake bite; Poison; Venom.
Saitya Atul Kumar. Snakebite: A Study on Clinical Presentation, Treatment and Public Awareness. International Journal of Medical Research Professionals. 2019 Jan; 5(1): 301-305