Coherence and vitals of medicinal herbs, nutrients, and yoga in stress management and psychological stasis

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Wolters Kluwer – Medknow
When the time lows of the psychological body, about the human mind, there is a vital relationship between the psychological and somatic body leading to stress and mishaps. This could be a lack of coherence among significant components in the body, which are characterized by hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline that come into play. Cortisol and adrenaline are released when there is usually a response of fight or flight, where these hormones get ready to handle the body’s reaction, and when this happens properly, it yields stress. Stress occurs through all age groups across every ethnicity and population, as the functioning of the mind is very similar. Managing this emerging stress and anxiety condition could be done through the easy way of the modern system of medicine, allopathy. Alternatively, the traditional method comes in handy to maintain such a condition with hardly any long-term side effects. A few conventional techniques like the practice of yoga, support of the proper nutrients, and certain medicinal herbs are bent to see a change in the perspective of coping mechanisms that results in a stress-free environment within the human mind. Many patterns of practices are noticed that there are specific nutrients and supplements formulated with medicinal herbs with significant pharmacological properties and the ancient activity of yoga aid in stress management. Using and practicing regularly can help in an integrated caliber of living. This review article sheds information and collation on such significant medicinal herbs, nutrients, and renounced practices of yoga that play together in the balance of the human body to overcome the distress of the mind. Many studies have noticed that medicinal herbs, nutrients, and specific yogic asanas help handle stress and anxiety, giving a holistic living pattern.
Adrenaline, anxiety, asanas, cortisol, medicinal herbs, nutrients, stress
Srinivasan Saagarika, Mani Thenmozhi. Coherence and vitals of medicinal herbs, nutrients, and yoga in stress management and psychological stasis. MGM Journal of Medical Sciences. 2023 Jan; 10(1): 135-141