Foreign Body in Vagina - An Unusual Presentation.

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Akshantala Enterprises Private Limited
Foreign bodies in the vagina in paediatric population are not commonly suspected. The presentation of such cases is similar to that of pathological diseases of cervix and the vagina like vaginitis and cervicitis which are more common. Infections of young female genital tract are common because of higher pH, relatively low oestrogen level and unfavourable bacterial flora.(1)Foreign bodies in the vagina are usually introduced accidently and history is negative. Patients commonly present with blood stained discharge, foul smelling pus, pain in the abdomen, dysuria or constipation. Symptoms secondary to vaginal foreign body account to 4 % of paediatric population visiting gynaecological OPD as reported by Dahiya et al.(2) In girls <6 years of age, who underwent examination under general anaesthesia, aetiology of vaginal discharge in 45 % of the cases was found to be foreign body. He has suggested that it is becoming important in most settings to organize special gynaecology clinics for pre-pubertal girls in order to develop special knowledge and skills needed in paediatric gynaecology. Here we report a case of pre-pubertal girl with vaginal foreign body not responding to medical line of management (antibiotics), rendering further evaluation for vaginal discharge. Unusual scenario in this report is a simple case which remained undiagnosed for one year. Another issue was absence of mother from the scene and constant denial by father to bring her which raises the suspicion of sexual abuse.
Kumari Pooja, Lakhkar Bhawana B., Damke Sachin, Lohiya Sham. Foreign Body in Vagina - An Unusual Presentation.. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences. 2020 Aug; 9(34): 2487-2489