A placebo controlled trial of two dosages of LPC antagonist--choline in the management of bronchial asthma.

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The present study was conducted to compare choline with a placebo for its dose-effect relationship in management of bronchial asthma. Three groups: Group A: taking placebo (sorbitol), Group B: low dose choline (500 mg TDS), and Group C: high dose choline (1000 mg TDS) were assessed after a trial of four months. A decrease in symptoms score and increase in percent asymptomatic days was observed in all the three groups but was statistically significant only in the groups taking choline (Group B and C). Further, it was more significant in the group taking higher dose of choline (Group C). Average drug-requirement decreased in all the three groups but was significant only in the high dose choline group (Group C) Specific airway conductance (SGaw) at FRC and RV improved significantly only in group taking higher dose of choline (Group C), while no significant change in percent fall in SGaw at RV was observed in any group. It is, thus, concluded that choline is a useful prophylactic drug in the management of bronchial asthma. The improvement was more significant at a higher dose. Further studies are required to establish optimal dose of choline in the management of bronchial asthma.
Gupta SK, Gaur SN. A placebo controlled trial of two dosages of LPC antagonist--choline in the management of bronchial asthma. The Indian Journal of Chest Diseases & Allied Sciences. 1997 Jul-Sep; 39(3): 149-56