Changes of placental diameter thickness and cotyledon in eclampsia.

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The study was done to see the changes of placental diameter, thickness and number of cotyledons in eclapmsia. A total 45 placenta, 25 from eclamptic mother and 20 from normal pregnant mother were collected from Gynaecology and Obstetric department of Mymensingh Medical College and Hospital (MMCH). Study was done in Anatomy department of Mymensingh Medical College (MMC). Macroscopic study of the formol saline fixed placentas revealed that, compared to the controls there was trend of less placental diameter in eclamptic group(p=0.0004). Cotyledon number was found to be significantly less in eclampsia (p=0.0001). However there was no significant difference in placental thickness in eclamptic placenta than that of normal group. Statistical significance of difference between two groups was calculated by using Students "t" test. A difference between the two groups was considered to be significant when p<0.005. The morphological changes in placenta are possibly due to reduced uteroplacental blood flow in eclampsia.
Mymensingh Medical Journal.
Sultana S, Hossain GA, Rahman MH, Hasan N, Sultana SZ, Khalil M. Changes of placental diameter thickness and cotyledon in eclampsia. Mymensingh Medical Journal. 2007 Jul; 16(2): 127-31