Knowledge and attitude towards tuberculosis in a slum community of Delhi.

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A cross-sectional study was conducted among 208 adults (114 males and 94 females) aged 16-70 years, selected by systematic random sampling method in Lok Nayak Colony, Delhi to assess the knowledge and attitude towards tuberculosis (TB). Literacy rate was 28.4%. Only 174 (83.6%) heard of tuberculosis mainly from neighbours (64.9%) and friends (62.1%). Only 2.3% knew that TB was caused by a germ. Literates were more aware than illiterates regarding some signs and symptoms of TB i.e breathlessness (p=0.002), low grade fever (p=0.02), loss of appetite (p<0.001) and factors favouring TB e.g. overcrowding (56.4%) and poor diet (45.4%). Only 12.6% knew about the duration of treatment for 6-8 months and 1.7% knew about preventive role of BCG. Tendency to discriminate TB patients was evident from the findings e.g 71% respondents agreed upon isolating TB patients from the family, 74.1% on avoiding the patient in food sharing, on quitting job by the patient (33%), prohibiting marriage of the patient (27.6%), shunning him from attending social functions (18%), etc. Extensive health education directing towards attitudinal change by community involvement is needed to create awareness and remove myths about TB in such colonies.
Singh MM, Bano T, Pagare D, Sharma N, Devi R, Mehra M. Knowledge and attitude towards tuberculosis in a slum community of Delhi. Journal of Communicable Diseases. 2002 Sep; 34(3): 203-14