Application of silver colloidal staining method in the diagnosis of intracranial glioma.

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A silver colloidal staining technique for the demonstration of argyrophilic nucleolar organizer regions (Ag-NORs) was used on the paraffin sections of reactive gliosis and grade I astrocytoma tissue. Quantitative as well as qualitative differences of Ag-NORs were found between the cells of reactive gliosis and grade I astrocytoma. In cases of reactive gliosis, the Ag-NOR counts averaged 1.19 +/- 0.16 per nucleus, while in grade I astrocytoma, Ag-NOR counts averaged 2.36 +/- 0.32 per nucleus (P < 0.05). Compound Ag-NORs were also seen in the nuclei of cells in grade I astrocytoma while they were not present in the nuclei of cells in cases of reactive gliosis. The results of the study indicate that Ag-NOR technique is an useful method and can be applied in situations where a distinction between grade I astrocytoma and reactive gliosis becomes difficult at the light microscopic level.
Radhakrishnan VV, Radhakrishnan NS, Rout D. Application of silver colloidal staining method in the diagnosis of intracranial glioma. Indian Journal of Medical Research. 1993 Aug; 98(): 202-5