Coverage and costs of mass immunization of an oral cholera vaccine in Vietnam.

The objective of this study was to describe a mass-immunization campaign of a locally-produced oral, killed whole-cell cholera vaccine in Hue city, Vietnam. Mass immunization with a 2-dose regimen of the vaccine was conducted in 13 communes in early 1998. The total, age- and sex-specific vaccine coverage was calculated using data from the vaccination records and the government census. The number of vaccine doses procured, administered, wasted, and left over, and the human and other resources required to prepare and conduct the vaccination campaign were systematically recorded. Government expenditure for planning, procurement, and delivery of the vaccine were documented. In total, 118,555 (79%) of the 49,557 targeted population were fully vaccinated during the mass-vaccination campaign. The total expenditure for the project was US dollar 105,447, resulting in a cost per fully-vaccinated person of US dollar 0.89. Mass immunization with this locally-produced oral, killed cholera vaccine was found to be feasible and affordable with attainment of high vaccination coverage.
Journal of Health, Population, and Nutrition.
Vu DT, Hossain MM, Nguyen DS, Nguyen TH, Rao MR, Do GC, Naficy A, Nguyen TK, Acosta CJ, Deen JL, Clemens JD, Dang DT. Coverage and costs of mass immunization of an oral cholera vaccine in Vietnam. Journal of Health, Population, and Nutrition. 2003 Dec; 21(4): 304-8