A case control study of senile cataract in a hospital based population.

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A case-control study (244 cases and 264 controls) was done during 1986-89 on a hospital based population to evaluate the risk factors associated with the etiology of senile cataract. Patient with age between 40-60 years, visual acuity of 6/9 or less, and presence of lenticular opacity of senile origin were included as cases. Age matched individuals with absence of lenticular opacity made up the controls. Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that higher systolic BP and number of meals were significantly (P < or = 0.05) associated with presence of senile cataract; whereas higher weight, education and income, and utilization of cooking water had a significant protective effect against senile cataract. The present study helps the clinician to understand the possible risk factors associated with the development of senile cataract and could be helpful in designing a intervention strategy in future.
Badrinath SS, Sharma T, Biswas J, Srinivas V. A case control study of senile cataract in a hospital based population. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology. 1996 Dec; 44(4): 213-7