Cost of delivering primary healthcare services through public sector in India

Background & objectives: Public health spending on primary healthcare has increased by four times (in real terms) over the last decade and continues to constitute more than half of the total public health expenditure. The present study estimated the cost of providing healthcare services at sub centre (SC) and primary health centre (PHC) level in four selected States of India. Methods: A total of 51 SCs and 33 PHCs were selected across the four States (Himachal Pradesh, Odisha, Kerala and Tamil Nadu) of India. The economic cost of delivering health services at these facilities was assessed using bottom-up costing methodology during the reference year of 2014-2015. The cost of capital items was annualized and allocation of shared resources was based on appropriate apportioning statistics. Results: The mean annual cost of providing health services at SC and PHC was ? 0.69 million (US$ 11,392) and ? 5.1 million (US$ 83,837), respectively. Nearly 3/4th and 2/3rd of this cost at the level of SC (74%) and PHC (63%) were spent on salaries. In terms of unit cost, the costs per antenatal care and postnatal care visit were ? 221 (173-276) and ? 333 (244-461), respectively, at SCs. Similarly, the costs of per patient outpatient consultation and per bed day hospitalization at PHC level were ? 121 (91-155) and ? 1168 (955-1468), respectively. Interpretation & conclusions: The cost estimates from the present study can be used in economic evaluations, assessing technical efficiency and also for providing valuable information during scale-up of health facilities.
Health system cost, mean annual cost, primary healthcare, primary health centre, subcentre, unit cost
Chauhan Akashdeep Singh, Prinja Shankar, Selvaraj Sakthivel, Gupta Aditi, Muraleedharan V.R., Sundararaman Thiagarajan. Cost of delivering primary healthcare services through public sector in India. Indian Journal of Medical Research. 2022 Sep; 156(3): 372-380