Harmonic Scalpel Assisted Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Vs Monopolar Assisted Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy

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International Society for Contemporary Medical Research
Introduction: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the standardof care for Gall Stone diseases. Conventionally monopolarenergy source is used for dissection of cystic artery and ductand dissection of Gall Bladder from GB fossa. There arehigh risk of thermal injury and biliary complications, morevisceral and solid organ injury due to frequent exchange ofinstruments. All these factors lead to increased operating timeand complications. The use of harmonic assisted laparoscopiccholecystectomy has decreased the operating time andcomplications. The objective of this study was to compareHarmonic assisted Laparoscopic cholecystectomy withconventional monopolar energy.Material and Methods:- This prospective study was carriedout on 158 patients which were randomly assigned toeither group. Total 75 patients were present in conventionalmonopolar assisted LC and 83 patients in Harmonic assistedLC.Result: This study reveals that in harmonic assistedLaparoscopic cholecystectomy time taken for surgery is less,minimal thermal dispersion of energy, reduced requirements ofanalgesics, reduced incidence of bleeding and GB perforation.Conclusion: Harmonic Assisted LaparoscopicCholecystectomy advantage over Conventional MonopolarAssisted Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy with respectto operating time, postoperative pain, and perioperativecomplications. Thus its use should be advocated whereFacilities are available
ERCP, CBD Stone Outcome, GB Stone, Obstructive Jaundice
Kumar Brajesh, Ghose Saurov, Pandey Gaurav, Ghosh Manashi. Harmonic Scalpel Assisted Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Vs Monopolar Assisted Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy . International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research . 2019 Jan; 6(1): A1-A4