Local steroid therapy in cutaneous hemangiomas.

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OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the efficacy of intralesional triamcinolone in enhancing regression in various type of hemangiomas. SETTING: Outpatients department of a teaching hospital Subjects: One hundred and five patients with rapidly growing surface hemangioma. The age ranged from 1 month to 15 months (mean 7 months). INTERVENTION: Intralesional triamcinolone administered at monthly intervals, ranging from single injection to 7 injections (mean 3.6 injections). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Regression of the hemangioma. RESULTS: The overall response rate was 88.6% (excellent 51.4%, and good 37.2%). Maximum response was observed in children below 1 year of age (> 90%), lesions over the face (92.8%) and strawberry hemangiomas (99.9%). CONCLUSION: Intralesional administration of triamcinolone devoid of systemic side effects and an effective initial modality for rapidly growing hermangiomas.
Gangopadhyay AN, Sharma SP, Gopal SC, Gupta DK, Panjawani K, Sinha JK. Local steroid therapy in cutaneous hemangiomas. Indian Pediatrics. 1996 Jan; 33(1): 31-3