Susceptibility to Deltamethrin of Aedes aegypti L. from 13 provinces in Thailand

The objective of this study was to determine the susceptibility to an insecticide, deltamethrin, used for dengue vector control. Larvae of Aedes aegypti were collected from 13 provinces of Thailand. F1 and F2 Aedes aegypti adults were tested with 0.05% deltamethrin by laboratory based method according to WHO standard method. The results showed that the susceptibility of Aedes aegypti in different studied areas to deltamethrin varied (susceptible, tolerant and resistant). WHO Test tubes standing method showed that the percent mortality of Aedes aegypti adults in vertical line was less than horizontal linein almost all areas. Key words : Aedes aegypti, Susceptibility test, Insecticide resistance 
Journal of the Vector - Borne Diseases; Vol. 5 No. 2 July - December 2008; 44 - 56