Thais’ Consumption of 3-MCPD Risk Food
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Bulletin of the Department of Medical Sciences - วารสารกรมวิทยาศาสตร์การแพทย์
3-MCPD is a carcinogen. It could be detected in various kinds of food, particularly seasoningproducts which could expose to human easily via food consumption. As a result, risk assessment of 3-MCPDto human was required and several data were needed for the study. The primary data was the study of consumptionamount of 3-MCPD risk food. Therefore, the Bureau of Quality and Safety of Food conducted a study on consumptionof Thais on 3-MCPD risk food group during 2004 - 2005 using household disappearance method forseasoning products and food frequency method for processed foods. The survey was conducted among overall512 households (1,945 persons) which were comprised 122, 129, 131 and 130 households (516, 476,476 and 477 persons) respectively were in central, northern, north-eastern and southern district respectively.The results showed that the average consumption amount of processed foods such as breakfast cereal,malt extract, breads, biscuit, instant noodle and snack packed in laminated bag were 15.38, 10.04, 22.93,9.51, 18.12 and 12.66 grams/person/day respectively. The average consumption amount of seasoningproducts such as fish sauce, diluted fi fish sauce, fermented soy bean sauce, fermented Chinese mushroomsauce, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, seasoning soysauce, mix seasoning sauce, fermented soy bean paste,soup cube, soup powder were 6.03, 9.64, 2.75, 1.98, 0.46, 1.63, 1.86, 0.80, 1.18, 0.73, 1.10grams/person/day respectively. Fish sauce is the seasoning that is, by average, consumed most by Thaipeople. In particular, consumption amount of diluted fi fish sauce is almost 5 times higher than consumptionamount of seasoning soysauce. The data gained from this study will be used for evaluating the exposureassessment of 3-MCPD and for evaluation of the risk of 3-MCPD to Thais.Key word: Food, Consumption, Thais
Bulletin of the Department of Medical Sciences - วารสารกรมวิทยาศาสตร์การแพทย์; Vol. 51 No. 3-4 July - December 2009; 213-223