ABO and Rhesus Phenotype Frequencies in Multi-Transfuse Hemodialysis Renal Patient and Blood Donor in Central Sudan

Objective: Blood transfusions are commonly used in themanagement of patients with chronic renal failure (CRF)undergoing hemodialysis for dialysis-related anemia.Accordingly, they are intended to alloimmunization due torepeated transfusions. Therefore, the purpose of this study wasdesigned to identify the distribution patterns of ABO bloodgroup and Rh-D, C, c, E, e antigen to provide first step donordata bank to prepare red blood cell panel to minimize rhesusalloimmunization among the hemodialysis patients and blooddonors at renal dialysis center, Khartoum and Wad Madani,Sudan from December 2016 to December 2017.Methods: Samples from 351 blood donors and recipients wereserologically tested for ABO, Rh (D, C, E, c, and e) using slideand tube method. ABO and Rh Phenotypes' frequencies werecalculated as a percentage.Results: The ABO blood grouping showing a typical frequencyO >A>B>AB and also the frequency of rhesus antigen showingD >c>e>C>E in both male and female renal failure patients.Conclusion: Blood donors need special precautions tominimize any possible alloimmunization by such antigen.
Blood Grouping, Rh Typing, Blood Donor, Chronic
Mohammed Eltaib Elmobark, Asaad Adam Abbass, Eman Anwer, Sivakumar Sivagurunathan Moni, Ismail Adam Arbab, Mohammad Hadi Sultan, Bakri Yousif Mohamed Nour. ABO and Rhesus Phenotype Frequencies in Multi-Transfuse Hemodialysis Renal Patient and Blood Donor in Central Sudan. International Journal of Medical Research Professionals. 2019 Jul; 5(4): 28-30