Utilization of maternal and neonatal care services in rural Lucknow: a community bases cross sectional study.

Introduction: In India, report says that we failed to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. The maternal mortality rate and infant mortality rate in developing regions are approximately 15 times higher than developed countries. Hence safe delivery and essential newborn care, besides neonatal care in domestic setting and timely referral for cases unmanageable are important areas to be addressed. This study was aimed to assess the current pattern of utilization of maternal and neonatal care services in rural areas of Lucknow. Material and Method: This community based cross sectional study was conducted in between August 2014 to July 2015. Study site was rural area of Lucknow. The study unit was a recently delivered woman, defined as a woman who gave live birth in last one year. A multi stage random sampling technique was used. We uses SPSS version 17 for our statistical analysis. Results: We interviewed 368 RDWs and found that 10.6 % of RDWs did not visit even once to health care facility and almost 62% of registered RDWs were registered early. About 70% RDWs completed at least three ANC visits, 67.7% received complete course of tetanus toxoid and 79.1% received at least one hundred of iron and folic acid (IFA) tablets. Approximately 90% deliveries were conducted by qualified physicians in government institution. There was a clear reduction in facilitating services by health care workers before and after delivery. We found that age less than 30 years, higher socioeconomic strata, educational level higher than matriculation of RDWs were likely to complete their ANC cares and these associations were statistically significant. Conclusion: We are still far away from health for all. To achieve SDG, a multi prong approach is need of hour.
Antenatal care (ANC), recently delivered woman (RDW), rural Lucknow, sustainable development goals (SDG)
Yadav Arun Kumar, Gupta Pratibha, Shrivastava Mrinal Ranjan, Prakash Daya, Yadav Krishna Kumar, Srivastav Sushil. Utilization of maternal and neonatal care services in rural Lucknow: a community bases cross sectional study. National Journal of Medical and Allied Sciences. 2016; 5(2): 84-90.