Submental intubation, alternative method for panfacial fractured patients

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Chiang Mai Dental Journal
Patients with Panfacial fractures present a unique set of problems both for the surgeon and for the anesthesiologist. Achieving dental occlusion is one of the fundamental aims of most oral maxillofacial surgical procedures. Submental endotracheal intubation is an alternative method of intubation in the multiple facial bone fractures patients when tracheal intubation through both the oral and nasal routes is contraindication. It allows the anesthesiologist to perform general anesthesia so the maxillofacial surgeon can work smoothly without interference from the tube during the operation and minimal complication by this method. Material and methods: This study is based on the retrospective study of 15 patients with multiple facial bone fractures and were treated in dental department, Somdejphra joataksinmaharaj  Hopital, between the years 2003-2008. Results: Surgery  was performed under general anesthesia with submental intubation. Mean duration of surgery was 3 hours 20 minutes. No post-operative complications from submental intubation occurred in this study.Keywords: Intubation, submental, panfacial fractures
Chiang Mai Dental Journal; Vol.30 No.2 2009; 99-104