Primers for Salmonella serovar detection by polymerase chain reaction.

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Salmonella serovar detection was studied by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The primers were designed from Salmonella specific clone, A18:2 which was previously constructed and studied for genus specificity through colony hybridization. The primers were subsequently tested for specificity and sensitivity and showed that they amplified DNA fragment of all Salmonellae tested but did not amplify all isolates of non-Salmonellae tested. The amplified fragment was confirmed and increased sensitivity by nested PCR. Salmonella isolates amplified by the primers in the first round PCR were all positive in the second round. The sensitivity in the first and second round were 7 pg and 80 fg, respectively. The result indicated that the primers can be used as molecular tool for future field survey of Salmonella both in food and in clinical specimens.
The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health.
Kantama L, Jayanetra P, Pilantanapak A, Charaensub A. Primers for Salmonella serovar detection by polymerase chain reaction. The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 1998 Mar; 29(1): 85-90