Study of STD pattern and its associated risk factors--a hospital study.

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Arora, Chetna
Mishra, Bharat
Malik, J S
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This study was conducted to know the STD prevalence and its associated risk factors among patients attending STD clinic of Govt using cross sectional hospital based data collected on 255 patients visited STD clinic during Jan. 2005- Dec.2005. Results suggested that highest prevalence found was of Herpes genitalis (31.8%), followed by Venereal warts (25.1%), Gonorrhoea (11.0%), Syphilis (10.6%). The most commonly associated risk factor found to be multiple sexual partners followed by factor as visit to prostitutes. Since most diseases are of social nature, IEC activities to improve the awareness in the community about STDs and about risk factors associated with them should bring behaviour related risk taking among people spreading STDs in the community.
Arora C, Mishra B, Malik JS. Study of STD pattern and its associated risk factors--a hospital study. Journal of Communicable Diseases. 2006 Mar; 38(1): 70-3