Pattern of rice cultivation and anopheline breeding in Koraput district of Orissa state.

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The potentiality of rice fields in anopheline vector breeding in Koraput district was studied in two agricultural seasons--rubi and kharif. Altogether, 17 species were recorded from the rice fields. The terraced stream bed paddy-fields with a perceptible water flow in top-hill areas support heavy breeding of the principal vector A. fluviatilis at all stages of paddy growth. A. culicifacies and A. annularis breeding became scarce when the paddy plants reached a height of 80 cm. Vector species formed 2 per cent in rabi and 32 per cent in kharif of the anopheline fauna from the paddy fields and the maximum production was during early stage of paddy growth or after harvesting.
Sadanandane C, Sahu SS, Gunasekaran K, Jambulingam P, Das PK. Pattern of rice cultivation and anopheline breeding in Koraput district of Orissa state. Journal of Communicable Diseases. 1991 Mar; 23(1): 59-65