Phaya-Discourse of Isaan Wisdom: The Interpretation on Ethical Philosophy
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Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
The objective of this research is to study the origin, meaning, characteristics, kinds and ethicalthought in Phaya‹ and interpret those ethical thoughts in Phay‹a on ethical philosophy. The methodologiesof this research are to collect the data from books, documents and other related research works. Theresearcher had examined and collected the data about Phay‹ and analytically study ethical thought inPhay‹a for interpretation on ethical philosophy by classifying them under three aspects, as follows, 1)Interpret the çgoodnessé and çgood mané, 2) Interpret to the ultimate goal of life , 3) Interpret ethicaljudgment.The findings indicate that, Phaya‹ is equivalent with the word wisdom or philosophy; the originsof Phay‹a are from the religious thoughts, traditions and behavior of Isanians as extemporaneouspoem-talker. There are many characteristics of Phaya‹, such as speaking useful, truth and sweet words etc. Phaya‹ is divided into many sections such as proverb Phaya‹ and shortly proverb Phaya‹ etc.The ethical thought in Phaya‹ can be classified into two categories, namely, 1) ethical thoughtin terms of Buddhist teachings, 2) ethical thought in terms of tradition and beliefs. The ethical thoughtin terms of Buddhist teachings is concerned with merits and demerits in which it is stated that çTo dogood is to do meritsé, and good-deed in ultimate view as found in Phaya‹ is to enlighten the Nirvana orNibb‹na. On the one hand, çTo do bad is to do demeritsé and the origin of bad-deeds is ignorance whichconsists of greed, hatred and delusion. Ethical thoughts in terms of tradition and beliefs are derivedfrom the ethics of Heet 12-klong 14 (guideline of conduct). The Heet 12-Klong 14 are to be followed byvarious groups of people depending on their status and duties such as the ruler must govern the peoplewith the Ten Royal Virtues (Tasapitrajadhamma) and he also must practice Heet-Klong. Furthermore,people in society must be loyal and faithful to the ruler.The results of the interpretation of ethical thought in Phaya‹ on ethical philosophy are foundthat the word çPu-aé implies merit or good-deed; and those who possess merits possess good-deeds.The property of merits in Phaya‹ is similar to Non-hedonism in point of view of ethical philosophy, butNon-hedonism in Phaya‹ put emphasis on an intention. With regard to Non-hedonism in ethical philosophy,it underlined çreason or wisdomé. Ethical thought, according to Rationalism, indicates that good man iswise; but in Phaya‹, it is not necessary because one who is not wise may be good. Interpretation ofultimate goal of Life in Phaya‹, it is noticed that the ultimate goal of life is Nirvana or Nibb‹na; and Nibb‹na is ultimate happiness. This thought is related to Salvationism where the purpose of life is happiness,resulting from wisdom, not from desire.The study of ethical judgment reveals that ethical judgment in Phaya‹ is classified into twogroups, as follows: major ethical judgment and minor ethical judgment. The major ethical judgment inPhaya‹ puts emphasis on intention. Good intention means good willingness which consists of nongreed,non-hatred, and non-delusion considered as good deeds; on the other hand, bad intention meansbad willingness which consists of greed, hatred and delusion considered as bad deeds. Major ethicaljudgment is related to Absolutism in ethical philosophy. Absolutism underlined that the value of gooddeeds, bad deeds, right or wrong is eternal. Whatever it is good; there it is, regardless of time, place,environment and person.Minor ethical judgment verifies that it depends upon conscience, agreement of reasonableman or wise person and social concede. This judgment indicates that good or bad is non-eternal andimpermanent value following by environments, tradition of society. The minor ethical judgment isrelated to judgment in ethical philosophy known as ùRelativismû.
Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences; Volume 28 Number 1Jan-Mar 2009; 57-67