Awareness of andropause in males: A North Indian study.

Background: According to the Indian census 2011, India has the largest population of the elderly. Very few studies have been carried out in North India to assess the awareness about andropause in men, which is why this study was conceived. Objectives: To assess the awareness about andropause and its treatment modalities among the men of Chandigarh. Materials and Methods: The present study was conducted at an Urban Health Training Center (UHTC-44 B) of Government Medical College and Hospital Sector 32, Chandigarh (GMCH) in male patients attending the outpatient department. This non-interventional individual cross-sectional study was carried out from August 2010 to August 2011 in men aged 40 years and above. Systematic, random sampling was carried out and the study sample comprised 757 men. The subjects were given pre-structured and pre-tested questionnaires that had questions pertaining to socio-demographic profile, ADAM scale, views about andropause, its treatment modalities, etc., Results: Out of the sample size of 757 men, subjects from the urban area (323; 43.1) were more in contrast to that of the peri-urban (41; 31.9) and slum areas (393; 259). Maximum number of patients belonged to the age group of 40-49 years (342; 26.3), followed by those in age group 60-69 years (141; 18.6). It was found that awareness about the term andropause was found only among 17 (2.2%) subjects, whereas the knowledge of a syndrome synonymous to that of menopause in females was even less 7 (0.9%) patients positive for andropause were found to increase with increase of age (40-49; 35.7, 50-59; 81.2, 60-69; 96.5). Only 123 (11.4%) had an idea about the treatment of andropause. The keenness to resort to treatment or seek medical advice was shown by 355 (47.3%). Subjects in the age group of less than 60 years resorted to injections (15; 4.7) and transdermal patches (6; 1.09) as testosterone-replacement therapy. Herbal medicines were especially taken by those subjects in the age group 60-70 years, (74.3%; 101). Conclusion: Awareness about andropause and its treatment modalities is less in men.
Androgen decline in aging males scale, andropause, awareness, testosterone therapy
Ashat Munish, Puri Sonia, Singh Amarjeet, Sarpal Sandeep Singh, Goel Naveen K, Koushal Vipin. Awareness of andropause in males: A North Indian study. Indian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2011 Sept; 65(9) 379-386.