A comparative study of various surgical treatments of hepatic hydatidosis with special reference to capitonnage.

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Nine patients treated by different modalities of surgical treatment were evaluated and the results were compared in terms of complications and total number of hospitalisation days. Most common complaint was pain abdomen and the commonest finding was an abdominal lump. After initial treatment of the cavity with a scolicidal agent the cyst was deroofed and the remaining cyst was dealt with in 3 different ways: (a) Three patients underwent simple drainage. (b) Marsupialisation was done in 3 cases. (c) Remaining 3 patients had capitonnage offered to them as the form of treatment. Complication rates in group (a) and (b) were 33% and 67% respectively and the average hospital stay was 13 and 20 days respectively while group (c) had no complication and the average hospital stay was 8.3 days.
Joshi CP, Vyas KC, Misra S. A comparative study of various surgical treatments of hepatic hydatidosis with special reference to capitonnage. Journal of the Indian Medical Association. 1998 Jun; 96(6): 181-2