Study of Microalbuminuria in Non-Diabetic and Non-Hypertensive Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction

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International Society for Contemporary Medical Research
Introduction: Microalbuminuria has relationship on thedevelopment of coronary heart disease and it may identify asa new risk factor of this disease. The MA happens more oftenin diabetic patients with AMI but it has been reported evenin non –diabetic patients with AMI. The aim of the presentstudy was to assess the prevalence of microalbuminuria innon diabetic and non hypertensive patients suffering fromAMI. To evaluate the relationship between MA and AMI innon- diabetic and non hypertensive patients admitted in ICCUcardiology department at Rajshree Medical Research InstituteBareilly (UP).Matereial and methods: The study was carried out in thedepartment of Biochemistry and ICCU in RMRI, Bareilly(UP) to establish the correlation between MA with 50non diabetic, non hypertensive patients of AMI and in50 healthy age matched controls. MA was determined byimmunoturbidimetric method and plasma glucose weremeasured by enzymatic method.Result: There was a significant increase in the level of MA inpatients with AMI who were non diabetic, non hypertensive ascompare to those in the healthy control.Conclusion: MA may have an association with AMI inabsence of traditional risk factors like diabetes and HTN. SoMA can be used as an adjunct biochemical parameter in nondiabetic, non hypertensive AMI patients.
Microalbuminuria, AMI, HTN and Diabetes Mellitus
Mustafa Asif. Study of Microalbuminuria in Non-Diabetic and Non-Hypertensive Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction. International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research . 2020 Mar; 7(3): c1-c3