Antiribitol-teichoic acid antibody (ARTA) in diagnosis of deep seated Staphylococcus aureus infections.

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Antiribitol-teichoic acid antibody (ARTA) was detected in sera of 30 out of 50 patients (60%) with various acute deep seated Staphylococcus aureus infections and 5 out of 10 chronic osteomyelitis cases, whereas none of the sera from 50 patients with superficial Staphylococcus aureus infections as well from 50 patients without Staphylococcus aureus infections showed antibody response (p less than 0.01). This test is a definite advantage in diagnosis of deep seated staphylococcal infections like endocarditis, lung disease, meningitis and specially in osteomyelitis cases where organisms cannot be isolated and therefore helps in predicting the need for long term antimicrobial therapy.
Ayyagari A, Pal N. Antiribitol-teichoic acid antibody (ARTA) in diagnosis of deep seated Staphylococcus aureus infections. Indian Journal of Pathology & Microbiology. 1991 Jul; 34(3): 176-80