Characterization of Acinetobacter from clinical isolates at Gandhi memorial and associated hospitals, Lucknow.

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The study was conducted in 4140 clinical samples sent to Microbiology department from different department of G.M. and associated hospitals. The samples included 2270 urine, 960 pus, 300 blood, 210 sputum, 180 CSF, 20 intercostal drainage tubes and 150 other swabs like vaginal and urethral, conjunctival smear 30, 10 ascitic fluids and 10 gastric aspirates. Apart from this, 30 specimens were collected from hospitals environment, like linen and trolley. From clinical samples, 43 acinetobacter strains (1.04%) were isolated. 17 strains (0.41%), were from pus, 12 (0.28%), from respiratory tract, 1, was (0.02%) from intercostal drainage secretions, urine 9 (0.22%), blood 1 (0.2%) and CSF 3 (.72%). From environmental samples, 7 strains (23.33%) were isolated. All the isolated strains were identified by routine biochemical tests. They were preserved in 1 % agar media for characterization. Characterization was done on the basis of growth at 37 degrees c, 41 degrees c and 44 degrees c, hemolysis, gelatin hydrolysis, acid from glucose, utilization of citrate, L-phenyl alanine, malonate, B-alanine, L-arginine, L-ornithine and L-aspartate. Among species identified Acinetobacter baumannii was 30 (69.67%), from clinical specimens and 5 (71.42%) from environment, Acinetobacter lwoffi was 10 (23.25%) from clinical specimen and 2 from environmental specimen, Acinetobacter hemolyticus was 3 (6.97%) and none from the environment. All the strains were resistant to penicillin. The sensitivity pattern showed gentamycin 64% sensitive, cotrimaxazole 42% cefotoxin 32% ciprofloxacine 26% and tetracycline 16%.
Banerjee G, Singh M, Goel N. Characterization of Acinetobacter from clinical isolates at Gandhi memorial and associated hospitals, Lucknow. Journal of Communicable Diseases. 2005 Mar; 37(1): 30-4