T cell ageing: Effects of age on development, survival & function.

Age associated decline of the immune system continues to be a major health concern. All components of innate and adaptive immunity are adversely affected to lesser or greater extent by ageing resulting in an overall decline of immunocompetence. As a result in the aged population, there is increased susceptibility to infection, poor responses to vaccination, and increased incidence of autoreactivity. There is an increasing focus on the role of T cells during ageing because of their impact on the overall immune responses. A steady decline in the production of fresh naïve T cells, more restricted T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire and weak activation of T cells are some of the effects of ageing. In this review we summarize our present understanding of the effects of ageing on naïve CD4 T cells and potential approaches for therapeutic interventions to restore protective immunity in the aged population.
Adaptive immunity, ageing, haematopoietic stem cells, innate immunity, TCR repertoire, T cells, thymic involution, transcription factors
Salam Nasir, Rane Sanket, Das Rituparna, Faulkner Matthew, Gund Rupali, Kandpal Usha, Lewis Virginia, Mattoo Hamid, Prabhu Savit, Ranganathan Vidya, Durdik Jeannine, George Anna, Rath Satyajit, Bal Vineeta. T cell ageing: Effects of age on development, survival & function. Indian Journal of Medical Research. 2013 Nov; 138(5): 595-608.