The Study of Legitimate Advertising of Health Products Situation in Regional Area
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Bulletin of the Department of Medical Sciences - วารสารกรมวิทยาศาสตร์การแพทย์
Regarding to the analysis of the advertising Regulation of Rural and Local ConsumerHealth Products Promotion Protection Division (RLCHPPPD) during the fiscal year 2006 - 2009, itshowed that the amount of legitimate healthcare products in 2009 had increased from that in 2006.The percentage of legitimate advertising trend has increased mostly were in drugs and foods, been constantin cosmetics, narcotics and hazardous substances but deceased in medical devices. The statistical analysis ofthe report and provincial infrastructure\’s information report were performed tond the relationship betweenvariables, such as number of monitoring advertisement, and the number of legitimate advertisement withindependent variables, including the amount of workplace-related healthcare products in the regional andinformation of each province. It was found that the legitimate advertisement had a significant relationship withinfrastructure\’s information of the provinces, which was caused by some limitations, as follows: the reportswere oriented primarily descriptive, the reports were not completely designed according to methodology,the reporting period of each report is not relevant and the information was not up-to-date, the controland monitoring of reports were ineffective and the reviewing of the report on actual data was rather lessineffective, consecutively.Key word (s) : Advertisement, Healthcare Products, Consumer Protection, Rural and Local,the RLCHPPPD report
Bulletin of the Department of Medical Sciences - วารสารกรมวิทยาศาสตร์การแพทย์; Vol. 51 No. 3-4 July - December 2009; 204-212