Intussusception Due to Inflammatory Fibroid Polyp.
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Since 1976 to 2011, a sum of 89 cases of infl ammatory fi broid polyp (IFP) of the gastrointestinal tract is recorded in the literature. Th e lesion
is always benign, may occur at any age but is most common in the sixth and seventh decades, and involves the stomach most frequently.
Abdominal pain, often related to obstruction, is the principal symptom. Th e lesions are sessile or polypoidal, originate in the gut submucosa,
vary greatly in cellularity, and have a wide range of tissue eosinophilia. We are presenting a rare case of ileoileal intussusception caused by
IFP in a 32-year-old female. Resection and end-to-end anastomosis was done after reducing the intussusceptum.
Inflammatory fibroid, Ileum, Intussusception, Polyp
Vasanth K A Dilip, Rao B Ananda Rama, Reddy Sridhar. Intussusception Due to Inflammatory Fibroid Polyp. IJSS Case Reports & Reviews. 2016 July; 3(2): 1-3.