Study of Depression among MDR TB Patients - A Crossectional Observational Study

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International Society for Contemporary Medical Research
Introduction: Anti tuberculosis drug resistance is a majorpublic health problem that threatens progress made in TBcare and control. Globally prevalence of MDR TB(Multidrugresistance tuberculosis i.e.resitance to Isoniazid andRifampicin) is estimated around 4.1% in new cases and 19%in previously treated cases according to WHO report. Clinicaldepression is common but often neglected problem amongTB patients. This study was conducted to know problem ofdepression among MDR Tb patients. Aims and objectives ofthis study were to determine the prevalence of depression inpeople with TB at the time of anti-TB treatment initiation andto assess factors associated with baseline depression.Material and methods: It is a observational study conductedin tertiary care centre. After obtaining proper consent andethical consent data was collected using PHQ 9 score. Datawas analysed using appropriate statistical methods.Results: Out of total 100 patients 80% were PulmonaryTuberculosis(PTB) while 20% were ExtrapulmonaryTuberculosis (EPTB). Around 56% patients were male while44% were female. Prevalence of depression was 51%.Conclusion: Depression is common problem among MDRTB which is preventable and can be managed if identified atearly stage.
MDR TB, Depression, PHQ9 Score
Jain Sourabh, Gupta Vishwas, Jain Akanksha, Dave Lokendra, Shrivastava Nishant. Study of Depression among MDR TB Patients - A Crossectional Observational Study. International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research . 2020 Feb; 7(2): b1-b4