Providing Expressed Breast Milk to Preterm Neonates Admitted in an Extramural Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: Where do we stand?

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Indian Academy of Pediatrics
Provision of expressed breast milk (EBM) to premature neonatesposes a great challenge in extramural Neonatal Intensive CareUnits (NICUs). We conducted a questionnaire-based survey toidentify the various challenges faced by the parents to provideEBM to their hospitalized premature infant. 40 preterm neonates(<34 wk gestation and <1500 g weight) planned to be started onEBM were included in the study. The median (range) durationafter which EBM was received in NICU after the time it was askedfor was 34.5 (13 to 40) hours, and it was received in a clean, sterileand covered container in only 8 (20%) cases. There were multiplehurdles in ensuring early availability of EBM in optimal condition.Sensitization and motivation of families regarding the importanceof ensuring early administration of EBM to their prematurelydelivered neonate may lead to substantial improvement inoutcome of these neonates.
Exclusive breastfeeding, Feeding, Nutrition
Kapoor Dipti, Kapoor Mamta . Providing Expressed Breast Milk to Preterm Neonates Admitted in an Extramural Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: Where do we stand?. Indian Pediatrics. 2019 Dec; 56(12): 1051-1052