Merits of performing coronary artery by-pass grafts on the beating heart.

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A retrospective study of 1006 patients was undertaken to evaluate the benefit of a change of strategy in performing coronary artery by-pass grafting surgery. Group A consisted of 500 patients who were consecutively operated on cardiopulmonary by-pass and group B consisted of 506 patients who were consecutively operated on using "off pump" techniques. Pre-operative risk profile in both groups were similar as was as in the operating time. There was distinct benefit in amount of homologous transfusion, period of ICU stay, increased usage of radial artery conduit and improvement in transoesophageal echocardiography assessment of ischaemic mitral incompetence immediately after revascularisation in off pump (group B). Though there was a lower mortality in group B ie, 3/506 vis-a-vis 10/500 in group A this is not of statistical significance. Improvement in left ventricular ejection fraction >5.0% occurred more frequently in one month follow-up visits of group B patients. Period of return to active life was also shorter (28 versus 56 days). Based on observations, we conclude that there is a distinct benefit in avoiding cardiopulmonary by-pass while performing coronary artery by-pass grafting.
Mani GK, Mani M, Sharma PK, Gara A, Aggarwal M, Das AK, Wanchoo J. Merits of performing coronary artery by-pass grafts on the beating heart. Journal of the Indian Medical Association. 2001 Sep; 99(9): 483-4, 486-8