Pott's disease in a young child.

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A 16-month-old emaciated, immunized child presented with low-grade fever and progressive kyphosis with a right sided para-vertebral abscess for 9 months. During this period of illness the child had marked loss of appetite and progressive weight loss. There was history of contact with sputum smear positive father. A gibbus was present at thoraco-lumbar region with a cold abscess at the right side of the gibbus and signs of upper motor neuron lesion were found on lower limb examination. Diagnosis was supported by relevant investigations including MRI of dorsolumbar spine and treatment was started beforehand with anti-tubercular drugs. The paravertebral abscess was drained several times and antibiotics were used depending upon the results of microbiological study. At the same time the patient was advised to wear a modified chest brace for immobilization and the management for severe malnutrition was also started accordingly. There was significant clinical improvement observed within one month of starting treatment.
Mymensingh Medical Journal.
Parvin R, Haque MA, Islam MN, Shaha CK, Uddin SN, Sarkar S, Hossain MB. Pott's disease in a young child. Mymensingh Medical Journal. 2008 Jul; 17(2): 206-9