The role of free amino groups of peptides and proteins in the Folin-Lowry and biuret methods.

dc.contributor.authorSrinivasa, B R
dc.contributor.authorRamachandran, L K
dc.description.abstractOn an equal weight basis polymyxin Β and EM 49 which do not contain tyrosine or tryptophan yielded the same colour intensity as proteins in the Folin-Lowry and biuret methods. But, in the absence of reagent C (alkaline copper reagent) polymyxin Β and EM 49 yielded no colour in the Folin-Lowry method. Mono-, di- and tri-formyl polymyxins Β formed identical amounts of coloured complexes as polymyxin Β in the two methods. However, the tetra- and penta-formyl polymyxins Β yielded only one-fifth and one-sixth, respectively, of the expected colour in the Folin-Lowry method. Similarly, 40% and 30%, respectively, of the anticipated amount of colour is formed in the biuret method. Formylated and methylated lysozyme and bovine serum albumins form only 70-75% of the expected colour in the Folin-Lowry method. Since formation of colour by reduction of Folin reagent, in the Folin-Lowry method, is at least partly due to complexes of copper, it was inferred that polymyxin Β as well as its mono-, di- and tri-formyl derivatives on the one hand and the tetra- and penta-formyl derivatives on the other differ in their ability to complex Cu(II) The former group of compounds was indeed found to complex as many as three Cu(II) ions whereas the tetra- and penta-formyl polymyxins Β complexed only one equivalent, under conditions of excess Cu(II). Under conditions of low Cu(II), polymyxin Β and all its derivatives complexed only one Cu(II). In proteins, sites other than amino groups which complex Cu(II) probably play a major role in the reduction of the Folin reagent, since methylated lysozyme and bovine serum albumin yield 70-75% of the colour formed by the unmodified proteins in the Folin-Lowry reaction.en_US
dc.identifier.citationSrinivasa B R, Ramachandran L K. The role of free amino groups of peptides and proteins in the Folin-Lowry and biuret methods. Journal of Biosciences. 1980 Jun; 2(2): 99-106.en_US
dc.subjectPolymyxin Βen_US
dc.subjectacylation of polypeptidesen_US
dc.subjectreductive methylation of proteinsen_US
dc.subjectFolin Lowry and Biuret methodsen_US
dc.subjectcopper chelate of polymyxin Βen_US
dc.subjectformyl polymyxins B-Cu(II) chelatesen_US
dc.subjectGramicidin Sen_US
dc.titleThe role of free amino groups of peptides and proteins in the Folin-Lowry and biuret methods.en_US
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