The medial septum acts through the medial preoptic area for thermoregulation and works with it for sleep regulation.

dc.contributor.authorSrividya, Rajagopalanen_US
dc.contributor.authorMallick, Hruda Nandaen_US
dc.contributor.authorKumar, Velayudhan Mohanen_US
dc.description.abstractThe chronic changes in sleep-wakefulness (S-W), body temperature (Tb), locomotor activity (LMA) and thermal preference were studied in male Wistar rats after the destruction of neurons in both the medial preoptic area (mPOA) and the medial septum (MS) by intracerebral injection of N-methyl-D-aspartic acid. An increase in the Tb, and a preference for higher ambient temperature (Tamb) of 30 degrees C were observed after the combined lesion of the mPOA and the MS. Similar changes were reported to occur after the lesion that was restricted to the mPOA. But these alterations were in contrast to the decrease in Tb and preference for lower Tamb, observed after the MS lesion. The thermostat of the brain would have been reset at a higher level after the combined lesion, as there was an increase in Tb, along with a preference for a higher Tamb, and an increase in LMA. There was a reduction in the frequency and the duration of the slow wave sleep (SWS) episodes, and a reduction in the frequency of the paradoxical sleep (PS) episodes after the combined lesion. The destruction of the MS neurons was probably responsible for the reduction in the frequency of SWS, whereas the loss of mPOA neurons was responsible for the decrease in the duration of SWS and frequency of PS. It can be suggested that the MS exerts its influence on thermoregulation through the mPOA. However, the MS and the mPOA seem to play independent, but complementary roles in sleep promotion.en_US
dc.description.affiliationDepartment of Physiology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi.en_US
dc.identifier.citationSrividya R, Mallick HN, Kumar VM. The medial septum acts through the medial preoptic area for thermoregulation and works with it for sleep regulation. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. 2007 Jul-Sep; 51(3): 261-73en_US
dc.subject.meshBody Temperature --physiologyen_US
dc.subject.meshBody Temperature Regulation --physiologyen_US
dc.subject.meshChoice Behavior --physiologyen_US
dc.subject.meshCircadian Rhythm --physiologyen_US
dc.subject.meshElectrodes, Implanteden_US
dc.subject.meshElectroencephalography --methodsen_US
dc.subject.meshElectromyography --methodsen_US
dc.subject.meshElectrooculography --methodsen_US
dc.subject.meshInjections, Intraventricularen_US
dc.subject.meshMotor Activity --physiologyen_US
dc.subject.meshN-Methylaspartate --administration & dosageen_US
dc.subject.meshNeurons --drug effectsen_US
dc.subject.meshPreoptic Area --injuriesen_US
dc.subject.meshRats, Wistaren_US
dc.subject.meshSeptal Nuclei --injuriesen_US
dc.subject.meshSleep, REM --physiologyen_US
dc.subject.meshTime Factorsen_US
dc.subject.meshWakefulness --physiologyen_US
dc.titleThe medial septum acts through the medial preoptic area for thermoregulation and works with it for sleep regulation.en_US
dc.typeJournal Articleen_US
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