Aspiration cytology of extramammary tumours metastatic to the breast.

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This study was undertaken to highlight the use of fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) to distinguish tumours metastatic to the breast from primary breast malignancies. A total of 1866 fine needle aspirates of the breast were performed during a period of 7 years. Three hundred and fourteen cases of breast malignancies were diagnosed and 5 (1.5%) out of these cases were metastatic in origin. The metastatic tumors included, 2 cases of malignant melanoma (chest wall and left arm), 1 case each of haematolymphoid malignancy, adenocarcinoma of the ovary, and squamous cell carcinoma (left leg). FNA diagnosis of metastasis to the breast is essential in order to avoid unnecessary mastectomy and to ensure appropriate chemotherapy and/or irradiation treatment.
Handa U, Chhabra S, Mohan H. Aspiration cytology of extramammary tumours metastatic to the breast. Indian Journal of Pathology & Microbiology. 2007 Oct; 50(4): 855-8