Correlation between severity of coronary artery athesclerosis and duration and severity of diabetes mellitus in type 2 diabetic patients.

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Hundred patients of Type 2 diabetes mellitus with coronary artery disease undergoing diagnostic coronary angiography were studied to determine the relation between the severity and duration of diabetes mellitus and the severity of coronary artery disease. A coronary scoring system using segmental distribution method was used to determine the severity of coronary artery disease and severity of diabetes was assessed by the level of fasting blood glucose within 48 hours of the procedure and also considering the types of treatment received for diabetes mellitus. No significant correlation was demonstrated between the severity of coronary artery disease and the severity (r =.089602; P>0.1) nor the duration (r =0.07865; P> 0.1) of diabetes mellitus on univariate analysis. So the Type 2 diabetic patients had an increased incidence of atherosclerosis in their coronary angiograms did not reflect an angiographically evident progressive coronary artery disease and results of this study suggest that the progress of large vessel coronary athesclerotic disease in diabetes mellitus of adult onset takes place independently of the progress of diabetes mellitus itself.
Mymensingh Medical Journal.
Uddin SN, Siddiqui NI, Begum F, Malik F, Rahman S. Correlation between severity of coronary artery athesclerosis and duration and severity of diabetes mellitus in type 2 diabetic patients. Mymensingh Medical Journal. 2003 Jul; 12(2): 85-8