An Overview of Burning Mouth Syndrome.

Burning mouth syndrome (BMS) is an idiopathic condition characterized by a chronic continuous burning sensation of intraoral soft tissues, typically involving the tongue, with or without extension to the lips and oral mucosa. It is classically accompanied by gustatory disturbances like dysgeusia and parageusia and subjective xerostomia. This syndrome commonly affects people all over the world without racial or socioeconomic predilection. Some patients may develop a single episode of burning sensation while some may show recurrent episodes that last for months or years. It commonly affects perimenopausal and postmenopausal women. The etiology remains obscure and multifactorial, hence the treatment is complicated with multiple approaches involving drugs, psychotherapy along with latest techniques like acupuncture and low level laser therapy being used to treat BMS effectively.
Orofacial pain, stomatodynia, glossodynia, neuropathic pain, glossopyrosis, scalded mouth syndrome
Sunil Anuradha, Mukunda Archana, Gonsalves Merwyn Nitin, Basheer Ashik Bin, Deepthi K. An Overview of Burning Mouth Syndrome. Indian Journal of Clinical Practice. 2012 Aug; 23(3): 145-154.