The role of cadmium in induction of atherosclerosis in rabbits.

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Experiments were carried out in rabbits to determine the effects of prolonged treatment of cadmium (8 mg/kg/day) for a period of 6 months on histopathological changes and biochemical alterations of lipid profiles in various tissues compared to normal rabbits. No ECG changes were observed before and at the end of cadmium treatment. Histopathological studies of the coronary artery revealed atherosclerotic changes. Total lipids, cholesterol, free fatty acids and phospholipids were significantly increased in heart and kidney, but decreased in serum and liver. Triglyceride content was increased significantly in heart and kidney with a significant depletion in liver and serum. It is postulated that atherosclerotic changes in rabbits probably occurred through toxic effects of cadmium but the exact mechanism needs to be elucidated.
Subramanyam G, Bhaskar M, Govindappa S. The role of cadmium in induction of atherosclerosis in rabbits. Indian Heart Journal. 1992 May-Jun; 44(3): 177-80