Biochemical and dynamic studies of collagen from human normal skin and keloid tissue.

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Keloids are exuberant scars, in which collagen, fibronectin and glycosaminoglycans are overdeposited. Biochemical analysis of the collagen isolated from normal skin and keloid tissue by pepsin treatment, indicated an increase in the type III and GAG content. Viscosity measurements of collagen from normal skin and keloid tissue were used in the present study to establish the interaction between collagen and GAG. Physico-chemical properties such as intrinsic viscosity, reduced viscosity and hydrated volume were computed from viscosity measurements. These measurements were also used to determine the denaturation temperature of collagen which was further confirmed by DSC measurements. Chondroitinase has been used in this study to probe the influence of GAG on the physico-chemical characteristic of keloid collagen.
Prathiba V, Suryanarayanan M. Biochemical and dynamic studies of collagen from human normal skin and keloid tissue. Indian Journal of Biochemistry & Biophysics. 1999 Jun; 36(3): 158-64