Effect of catechin on intestinal lipid metabolism.

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On analysing the effect of catechin on intestinal lipid metabolism, an increase in the concentration of cholesterol in the duodenum and jejunum was observed along with an increase in the HMGCoA reductase activity. In the in vitro experiments also it was found that cholesterol and free fatty acid (FFA) levels were increased in these two regions. Binding of catechin with cholesterol in the lumen, reduces the availability of cholesterol for absorption which may in turn stimulate cholesterol biosynthesis and a rise in the HMGCoA reductase activity. These alterations produced by catechin may also be related to the degradation of cholesterol to bile acids, as endogenous cholesterol is the preferred substrate for bile acid synthesis.
Valsa AK, Asha SK, Vijayalakshmi NR. Effect of catechin on intestinal lipid metabolism. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. 1998 Apr; 42(2): 286-90