Sharma, SudivyaJain, Prashast2017-02-062017-02-062014-04Sharma Sudivya, Jain Prashast. High-Frequency Ventilation: Excellent Rescue. Indian Journal of Clinical Practice. 2014 Apr; 24(11): 1075-1076. ventilation (HFV) is a type of mechanical ventilation which utilizes a respiratory rate greater than four times the normal value and very small tidal volumes.1,2 This combination of small tidal volumes delivered for very short periods of time creates the lowest possible distal airway and alveolar pressures produced by a mechanical ventilator and exhalation is passive. It is an upcoming but promising modality.enHigh-frequency ventilationlung injurypeak end-expiratory pressurehypoxemiarecruitmentHigh-Frequency Ventilation: Excellent Rescue.Article